Tonight was ecliptic.

Happiness, like a Tahoe,

            Crashed and

                        Snapped and

                                    Slid into

A dusty shroud—

Where it could run and still not move.

Where lights shone to give starkness to the night.


The bank was steep,

The mortar, my friends below me

Dashing in and out of the headlights glow like

Bugs to a heat lamp.


No passengers. Wait—

One, walking down the road,

Walking home, broken wrist and back pain.

The other, a torn white stump before me.


Myself, stumbling down the bank…

Myself, talking to the driver…

Myself, the man on the moon,

            Who somehow realizes things aren’t right

                        As the earth and its overwhelming affinity for darkness

                                    Casts a shadow on my light.



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