in other news...


pardon me,

I’ve been this way awhile.


Verbal droppings from a clandestine source,

Copulating phrases like Webster’s lady –

I spew oral pontifications without remorse,

Carefully exploiting the use of the deity.


little voices are for little girls,

so garnish your plate, homely one,

set out the cups and have your fun,


You wear loneliness like a Hawaiian shirt,

try to cover your shame with a new grass skirt,

hoping the party will set like a stain,

hoping the colors will wash out the pain –


            gentle hands for gentle touches

            fragile lives are on display—

            lives led keeping life at bay—


True to form, this is my style,

after all, I’ve been this way awhile –

Despite the chains you’ve put on me,

Despite what you think, these words are me.



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